Hannibal Barca
247 B.C.E.- Phonecian Moor born in Carthage(Tunisia), raised in Spain
- Name meaning- Hannibal- favor/grace of Baal; Barca-Lightning/Thunder
- Father murdered by Rome as a child
- Swore to the downfall of Rome at age of 9
- Credited to being one of the greatest military strategists ever
- Trained from Kemetic science of maji taught to communicate with animals by elders
- Trained 7 1/2 for warfare
295 B.C.E.- became leader of Carthage army at 25 after victory at the Battle of Drepanum (1st Punic war)
- Favorite/personal elephant named curus/syria/sirius
- Began trek across the alps spring in 218 B.C.E. with 58 elephants 94k soldiers
- Arrives Italy with 50k soldiers 9k infantry; lost 40% of his men after journey
- Amassed numerous allies on the way- Celtic Calvry, Iberian/Celt-Iberian Moors from Spain
4 Major Battles of the War 2nd Punic War
2nd- Battle of Tribbia- 36k roman vs 40k Carthaginians including 10-15k Celtic allies; 3-5k Carthaginians & 14k Romans dead
Hannibal used used nature to his advantage -winter cold and time (winter solstice)
3rd-June 17 217 B.C.E.- Battle of Trasimene, 30k Romans and allies, 1.5k Carthaginians dead Hannibal lost right eye; Hannibal used used nature to his advantage -summer fog
4th-Aug 2nd 216 B.C.E.- Battle of Cannae, 6hrs encounter, 70k romans dead or captured; Hannibal used nature to his advantage- wind blowing dust for Africa
- Rome invaded Carthage which forced Hannibal and his troops to return home (Battle of Zama)
- Hannibal took a role in politics in Carthage
- 7 years later Rome wanted Hannibal to surrender in reaction to there returned prosperity, Hannibal then went into exile and fled to Crete
- Rome elected Fabious (fable) Maximus
- Hannibal agreed to call off war and was offered Italy and Rome resources not knowing its was a set-up
- Maximus paid Hannibal's generals to back off Hannibal and sign peace treaty
- Maximus convinced Hannibal's wife to get him to Turkey where Roman soldiers were waiting to imprison him
- Maximus fooled Hannibal by claiming Rome ended the war
- Carthage accepts peace treaty offered by rome-evacuate Sicily-no side to attack other-indemnity to pay Rome
- Hannibal committed suicide in Turkish prison cell where Romans held him 183 B.C.E.-deceased
- Major reason Carthage won most battles but lost the war; great general limited resources
Hannibal Useful Tactics
1.Know the terrain
2.Know your enemy
3.Exploit enemy's weakness
4.Give your army best tools (mind set)
5.Amush whenever possible (deception)
5.Surprise (do unexpected)
(Identical to Sun Tzu's Art of War)
except from
(must read/buy)
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